Tube Amp Doctor (TAD) EL34L-Cz Power Tube

Brand: Tube Amp Doctor
Product Code: TAD-RT151
Warranty: 6 Months
Premium Matching: *

$79.00 - $632.00
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Punchy Mids and Focused Power

The E34L is a long-life EL34 type tube with thick and especially solid glass. It delivers lots of bite in the top end, punchy mids and well-focussed bass power. A wonderful EL34, with great tone for Hi-Fi as well as for musical instrument amplifications.

Our burn-in process increases the electrical stability of this tube immensely. This increased stability is the basis for our subsequent matching process. Our TAD matching-process takes into account the dynamic aspects of tubes and allows for precise matching under real operating conditions. This process enables us to achieve an unparalleled sound quality.

TAD Premium Selection

Q: When does a power tube become a Premium Selected power tube?

A: All power tubes labelled Premium Selected have passed the following tests:

  • Plate Current (PC) and Amplification (TC)
  • Low Noise Test
  • Microphonic Test
  • Sonic Test
  • Shock Test
  • Listening Test
  • Shorts & Leakage Test

Premium RT-Matching of Power Tubes

Our Premium Matching is an exact matching of power tubes with identical Plate Current (PC) and Transconductance (TC).

Electrical Characteristics
Heater Voltage (AC or DC) Minimum: 5.8 V, Nominal: 6.3 V, Maxium: 6.7 V
Heater Current 1.5 A
Cathode Oxide-Coated, Unipotential
Cathode-to-Heater Potential, Max. 100 V
Direct Interelectrode Capacitance, Max.* Grid No. 1 to Cathode and Grid No. 3, Grid No. 2, Base Sleeve and Heater: <15.5 pF / Plate to Cathode and Grid No. 3, Grid No. 2, Base sleeve and Heater: <1.0 pF / Grid No. 1 to Plate: <1.3 pF

* Without external shielding, nominal values.

Operating Position Any
Base Octal, 8-Pin
Dimensions - Height 112 mm (4.41”)
Dimensions - Seated Height 98 mm (3.86”)
Dimensions - Diameter 33.3 mm (1.31”)
Cooling Convection
Approximate Net Weight 60 g (2.1 oz.)
AF Power Amplifier Maximum Ratings
DC Plate Voltage 800 V
Grid No. 2 DC (Screen) Voltage 450 V
Grid No. 1 DC (Control) Voltage -100 V
DC Cathode Current 150 mA
Plate Dissipation 25 W
Grid No. 2 DC (Screen) Dissipation 8 W
Bulb Temperature (Surface Hottest Point) 250° C
Typical Operatation - AF Power Amplifier, Class A1 (Single Tube)
Plate Voltage 250 V
Grid 2 Screen Voltage 250 V
Grid 1 Control Voltage** -15 V
Zero Signal Plate Current 100 mA
Maximum Signal Plate Current 105 mA
Zero Signal Grid 2 Screen Current (Avg.) 15 mA
Transconductance (Nominal) 10,000 mS
Load Resistance 2 kΩ
Output Power at 5% Distortion 10 W

** Approximate value (set to zero signal plate current).

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